The Effect Of Gender Discrimination In The 1960S

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Since the 1700s women have been taking a stand for their rights in the world and how they believe gender discrimination has deprived them of such rights. For years a women’s only place in the working world was either in a restaurant, washroom, someone’s home, or a hospital. Since the 1960s women have been making definite marks towards changing the way they are viewed in the working, political, and social world. The most powerful women from the 1960s are Rosa Parks, Wilma Rudolph, and Shirley Chisholm each of these women overcame an extraordinary act in their careers, community, and or the entire United States. The courageous acts these women committed made it possible for me to sit anywhere on a public transportation bus, hold a seat in the United States Congress, as well as participate in any sport and set new world records. In 1963, the Presidential Commission of the Status of Women presented disturbing facts about women’s place in our society (Goodwin, 2010). The Presidential Commission of the Status of Women was formed by various institutions and universities but the key organization was established in 1961 by John F. Kennedy to explore issues relating to women and to make proposals in such areas as employment policy, education, and federal Social Security and tax laws relating to women (Goodwin, 2010). An interest in women’s rights and how to protect such rights had become a growing matter of national interest. This particular organization allowed the world to see what rights women did not have in the world and today women are able to attend any college or university, achieve Federal Social Security, and work most jobs. For me that means I am able to work at daycares, attend college as well as online graduate at the top of my class, and build Federal Social Security. There were more than 400 pieces of legislation in Congress which addressed women’s status and

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