The Effect Of Advertising On Children

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Advertising: The Effects on Children Advertising is a form of communication that is typically trying to persuade potential consumers to purchase their product or consume more of it. Children are considered a large demographic to marketers because kids in this generation have more decision-making power within the family than in previous generations (Media Awareness Network, 2010). Kids are more vocal about what they want and what their parents are willing to buy. Children are very swayed by advertisement and it targeting this audience can cause an unhealthy want for a particular product or service. Children can develop emotional problems when their want for a certain product begins to seem more like a want for product or service. Advertising specifically for children should be restricted because of the harmful effects it may have on children. How did all of this start? Advertising started in 1477 with William Claxton. He inadvertently started this trend when he was trying to sell his book. Advertising did not take off until the 1930’s (Kids and Advertising, 2000). During this time period is when advertising started targeting children. The advertising took advantage of children’s interest in comic books. Following comics was the advertising on television and radio, but some advertising companies refused to be played during the break; this is when advertising started being incorporated to the shows and programs (Kids and Advertising, 2000). Advertising today is used as it was in the 80’s, but has also moved onto the internet. Industry spending on advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing from a mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000 (Media Awareness Network, 2010). Advertising will continue to spread where almost everywhere you turn you will see one. Advertising aides in the selling of a product; agencies take advantage
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