The Doll's House Nora's Immaturity

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In this essay, I will give examples the character of Nora in Act 1 of “ The Doll’s House” to prove that one of her main characteristics is immaturity. From the start of the play first character we are introduced to Nora, she is walking into her house she arrives with presents, and it is clear that the time of year is Christmas. She is followed by a porter who is carrying a Christmas tree, Nora then proceeds to ask the porter how much his service costs and he says “six pence.” Nora then hands over a shilling, “There is a shilling. No, keep the change.” This quote shows that Nora is generous and maybe showing off how much money she has. This leads to question if she well off? Or is she comfortable middle class citizen. I just wanted to give you this as a start of as I will be coming back to this as evidence of other examples. Nora then takes a packet of macaroons from her pocket and eats some and then silently goes to her where her husband is working and listens. This shows that she is doing something that she is not suppose to do, or something her husband doesn’t want her to do. So for her to have to check where her husband is after doing something, means that you are trying to be sneaky and thats a bit immature. And then we hear Mr. Torvald calling Nora names such as “ lark”, “squirrel”. To me to be calling your adult wife pet names, and for her to answer and then call yourself the same pet names is a sign of child like features. Torvald clearly knows that Nora has bought multiple gifts, for he says, “Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again?” There we go with the name calling again, even in the talk of financial business. I think he doesn’t fully respect her as a woman, and she doesn’t take anything seriously. I do know that there are some couple that use pet names play around with each other, but when I hear pet names used often I get a hint
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