The Documentaries Importance in Pop Culture

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Documentary Heaven Documentary films have been with us since the introduction of motion pictures. The purpose of these films is to shed light on whatever subject the film maker has decided to document. There are a multitude of subjects that have been covered in documentaries. Everything from Jay-Z's retirement to 9/11 have been documented on film. In almost every case these films have been to persuade the viewer to believe in what the film maker believes in. All documentaries use certian techniques to prove that their view is right and to persuade the viewer in to buy into whatever the documentary is about. In every documentary you have a narrator. The narrators purpose is to guide you through the film. They are your driver for the journey you are about to take. In most cases the narration is biased to the filmakers views. The narrator basicly gives you the rundown of whats going on in any particular scene. For example, in the film zieitgiest about 90 percent of the film is narration. If you were take the narrators word for it he will lead you to believe in things that are entirely false. Humans have no way of knowing when they are being lied to, especially if you know nothing about the subject. By having narration you dont have to think too much about the information your being told because when you watch a movie you suspend belief anyway so you are more open to what the narrator is telling you. Most documentaries use statistics to prove what they are saying is true. A statistic is the collection and interpretation of masses of numerical data. In alot of documentary films I have watched I have seen stats that are completely shocking to me. When a film maker tells you 1 out of every 5 childeren are overweight in america you don't question the stat, it just enforces your belief in what the film maker is telling you. The most important part in documentary

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