The Dna of Toyota

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The Toyota way is a set of principles and behavior underlying Toyota Motor Corporation’s managerial approach and production system.Toyota’s critical discovery: When you make lead times short and focus on keeping production lines flexible, you actually get better quality, responsiveness, productivity, and utilization of equipment and space. Some core beliefs include:The right process will produce the right results Developing your people and partners adds value.Continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning. One-piece flow increases productivity, profitability, and quality.Products don’t like to wait in line. Material, parts, and products are impatient.The only thing that adds value is the physical or informational transformation of raw material into something the customer wants.Errors are opportunities for learning.Problem solving is 20% tools and 80% thinking. Despite recent issues concerning recalls, the Japanese auto company Toyota has the largest sales in its industry worldwide. The book The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World Greatest Manufacturer, outlines the reasons the company has reached such great success. By implementing operational excellence Toyota has created a learning organization with a great ability to develop leaders, build teams, and satisfy customers. The Management styles enforced at this company has become a well known strategy that many other companies in various industries have tried to follow. Through the Toyota production system (TPS) and Lean (which Toyota created) the company learned to create a fast process that supplied customers with quality products. The focus of these ideas was to eliminate wasted time and materials at each stage of the production process. Toyota does not just offer quality products, but are able to do it at a phenomenal rate. The Japanese automobile manufacturer currently has the
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