The Dilemma of Being a “Somebody”

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The Dilemma of Being a “Somebody” I am a dreamer. When I was a small boy, I used to dream of being a lawyer. Back then, I would imagine how sweet my name would sound if it has an extra “Attorney” in it. My parents had always encouraged me by saying that I had lots of potentials to become one someday. I was smart, witty, daring, passionate, and competitive. In fact, I used to argue with my sister about many wonderful things in life – the morality of actions, the importance of religion and many more. Then at night, I would often lie in my bed thinking that being a lawyer would soon transform me from being a “nobody” to a very great “somebody” - somebody who would inspire people and bring change into our world, somebody who would restore its balance and regain its lost glory. And the list goes on. That is how I dream, transcending from one little reverie to a grandiose another. But as I unfold myself, I’ve realized that in my desire to be “somebody”, I had become “everybody”, practically those study-hard-have-good-grades-graduate-with-honors-find-a-good-job-marry-have-kids-earn-a-lot-of-money types. As if studying for them is a prerequisite for a happy life. As if studying is the insurance of a flourishing undertaking in the future. As if. By desiring to be a lawyer, I have unknowingly incorporated myself into the world of “everybody”, not “somebody”. Everybody wants to earn sweet-smelling money. Everybody wants to live a well-to-do life. Everybody wants to satisfy themselves with absolutely everything this world has to offer. Power, riches, fame, you name it. Inch by inch, I push myself into the brink of “everybody’s” world. I was forced to stop, to look back, and I was abhorred by what I saw. How can I bring change to the world if I would be like the rest, swaddling in my own flamboyant ambitions? How could I inspire people if my life is the same as

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