The Digital Camera

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THE DIGITAL CAMERA: FUTURE TRENDS In the photographic industry, the Digital Camera is not a fad or a style statement, but has come to stay. The Basic Technology incorporated in the Digital Camera is the same which has been responsible for the last two decades revolution in consumer electronic appliances, i.e. the technology of management and conversion of information from earlier analogue signals (like waves) to their digital versions which are discrete digitized packages of 1 and 0, called bits. This results in a tremendous improvement of the final output as like the music from stored in CD from the music played on a turntable, as years before. In the ordinary camera, the light from the source flows inside through an aperture and falls on a plate which has been chemically treated to retain the image. In the DIGITAL CAMERA, the input light falls onto a semiconductor, after the aperture, which saves it and retains it on the LCD screen. If we say that the DIGITAL CAMERA uses its inbuilt computer for recording and /or editing images electronically, we will not be wrong. On the basis of what feature in a DIGITAL CAMERA can a model be rated superior or inferior to another? This question is highly relevant today since there are a large no of DIGITAL CAMERA manufacturers, all reputed brand names, each again having a no of models. For the layman, the best possible rating parameter is the mega-pixel. As the megapixels increase, the DIGITAL CAMERA’s capability to capture detail of the photograph subject increases and therefore, the picture clarity is enhanced. The non-specialized DIGITAL CAMERA is available up to 10-12 megapixels, but for the average customer, who wants to keep on record, various interesting moments in his life, a rating of 5 Megapixels sufficient. One of the wonderful features of the DIGITAL CAMERA is that the images are stored in the camera memory
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