The Desert Hedghog

351 Words2 Pages
The Desert Hedgehog The hedgehog, found in the desert, is the smallest of all hedgehogs. It grows to be about 5 and a half inches tall and weighs 10 to 18 ounces. The desert hedgehog has a white for head and sides with dark brown feet and tail. It grows wrinkled stiff spines on its back. They have rounded ears and a brown pointed snout. Their young are born naked with their ears and eyes closed. The newborn hedgehog’s spines are underneath their skin that sprouts 36 hours after birth. The hedgehog on average live from 3 to 8 years and when in captivity, they can live up to 10 years. To avoid the heat of the desert, the hedgehog sleeps during the day and is active during the night (nocturnal) During the hottest parts of the year the desert hedgehog will hibernate. They usually hibernate during the months of January and March. For the hedgehog to be so successful at night, they have acute hearing and sense of smell to protect itself from predators. Desert hedgehogs can be found near Northern Africa. They like to live underground, which would be best for sleeping during the day. They look for homes in underground burrows, rocks, and cliffs etc. (abiotic). Tiny insects and small vertebrates as well as vegetation surround them. (biotic). The desert hedgehog is an omnivore because it will eat insects such as beetles and wasps along with small vertebrates like mice and birds. The hedgehogs will also eat eggs and some plant material. An interesting fact about the hedgehog is how it protects itself against predators. It will roll into a ball so that its stiff spines are protecting itself. The hedgehog has very poor eyesight. This was surprising for me because it would need could eyesight to be active at night. Instead of its eyes, they use their ears and sense of smell. Hedgehogs are immune to toxins so they are able to eat beetles, wasps, and some venomous

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