Henri De Saint-Blanquat referred to these issues in the quote, “just when Pompeii was being rediscovered it began to die its second death.” The ideas of the second death of these twin cities arise from human factors such as tourism, human intervention and lack of funding. Similarly, the environmental factors such as microbiological infestation, lighting, flora and pollution all contribute to the decay of these sites. Sources H & I display the challenges of conserving the two cities for organisations such as The British School of Rome, Herculaneum Conservation Project and The Great Pompeii
THE MAYA INDIANS SETTLEMENT PATTERN According to William Claypole and John Robottom, in their book ‘Caribbean Story’, at the height of their civilization, the Maya Indians occupied 324,000 square kilometers of land which included the Mexican regions of the Yucatan Peninsula, Campeche and Tobasco, as well as the territory of Belize, Guatemala and the western edge of Honduras. Robert Greenwood and Shirley Hamber in their book ‘Amerindians to Africans’ placed the first civilization of the Maya Indians at around 2000 Bc. The authors of this book also mentioned the decline of the Maya civilization after AD 900. They claim that it emerged 300 years later as a modified form of Mayan civilization. Greenwood and Hamber suggested three reasons for the decline in the Maya civilization.
When the world could not speak Octavia E. Butler’s, “Speech Sounds”, an apocalyptic story that portrays how disease has caused the ability to speak impossible and has shattered society and causes many to die from the disease or its latent effects. The loss of speech could impact a society to the point where only the desire to survive is the main focus of human existence. History records periods were naturally occurring diseases have caused unimaginable suffering and the death of millions. These periods involved a slow progressive process that ended in a relatively short period, for instance, The Plague of Europe lasted from 1348 to 1351 and the “death toll throughout Europe was at least 25 million out of a total population of 40 million” (Bugl par.16).” During these times the knowledge of the disease process was unknown because the science of medicine was not as developed as it is today. While “Plague” is still present today it does not affect the speech of those who contract the disease.
The conditions can even result in complete destruction of the plants therefore incurring significant losses. Natural disasters like fire n floods can also destroy the plants hence reducing Bolthouse Farms revenue. Unrest among employees and the changing technology is also a threat facing Bolthouse farms. Price changes and money value as well is a threat to Bolthouse
Deforestation In Thailand Proposal Large areas of the world’s forest are being destroyed as you read this sentence. Volcanoes are erupting, floods are flooding and fires are burning; but with these occurrences the forest will emerge again to become what it once was. Unfortunately this is not the major reason that the forest are being depleted, Deforestation, the permanent loss of forestland, caused by humans is the main cause. With natural disasters the land is left to replenish itself but with deforestation the land becomes un-sustainable to forest life. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) “estimates that the annual rate of deforestation is about 1.3 million square km per decade, with the main deforestation occurring in the tropics where a wide variety of forest exist”.
(Wikipedia, 2012). The second theory is that the overpopulation caused deforestation (Tom Sever, NASA Archeologist) and then a drought made it hard to sustain life. The second theory has more evidence to support the theory, in fact decades of research has shown that “the Maya had completely transformed the land they lived by turning jungles into vast area of plains, filled with cities, farms and an ever growing
Chandler Hickman World Civilization 1 Mrs. Gunter November 19, 2010 The Mayan Civilization The Mayan Indian Civilization was a civilization located in Mesoamerica, or modern day Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Belize areas of Mexico. The Mayan civilization influenced and was influenced by many other settlements in the area. The most recognizable culture of the Mayans developed between 2600 B.C. and A.D. 250. The Mayan civilization originated in the southern areas of Mexico at about 2600 B.C.
However, most comparably the Harappans and the Mayans both went through unknown hardships and both quickly demised and disappeared. The Harappans and the Mayans, though quite similar, still have distinguishing differences. The Harappans developed their society sometime around 3000 BC in the Indus River Valley. This Western Asian area is dominated by the Indus River – which has, over the thousands of years, savagely turned on the Harappan society, covering and burying its original artifacts and any other information on the origin of their civilization under tons of fine dirt and
Drought has a serious impact on food productivity of a land, and even on the life expectancy of inhabitants. The aftermath of drought involves in socioeconomic, ecological issues (WGA, 1996) (Jeyaseelan, 2005; Pongracza et al., 1996). Iran encompassing drylands has been periodically jeopardized by drought events, which have devastatingly affected society and environment (Shamsipour et al., 2008). Therefore, the study of drought needs several sources of datasets. In other words, the design of a planning project for a region for sustainable development, the acquisition of updated data is critical, particularly for countries with arid to semi-arid climates.
From an environmental perspective the Amazon is negatively affected from the burning of the trees which is polluting the biggest rainforest in the world with Carbon dioxide (Co2). Also, a lot of nutrients are being lost from deforestation and high quality soil is being wasted. Desertification is slowly happening in the Amazon and other rainforests. If deforestation continues the rainforests will start to lose bodies of water, as well as vegetation and wildlife. There are many problems that the rainforest biome encounters.