The Day When Every Thing Went Wrong

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Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes you feel as if you are on top of the world, other times you feel as if everyone or everything has turned against you. I vividly recall a day when nothing went as I expected. Everything seemed out to get me, to trick me. It was the hardest test of my patience and perseverance. I woke up with a pain on my neck and a sore on my back. I could hardly turn my neck and move my aching body. I strained to look at my P990i Sony Ericson cell phone on the table. It was already 6.50 am, Oh ALLAH!! I must have overslept. “It looks like today is not my day” I murmured. As fast as lightning, I ran downstairs to the toilet but only to find it occupied. I could hear my siblings reciting Al-Quran; This meant they had already finished performing Subuh prayer. “I’m very late” I said. Impatiently, I waited for another 5 minutes before my youngest brother appeared. I dashed into the bathroom to do whatever was needed. My Goodness, the water was freezing cold! Those who had their shower before me must have over-used the water heater, making me wait for another 5 minutes in order to use it. “I can’t wait! I’m late!” So I had no choice but to have a quick cold bath. After washing up I felt more alive. I returned to my room and got dressed for school. It seemed such a long time to get dressed when I had to hurry. I performed Solah and rushed downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I was terror-stricken for a minute to see what was left on the table. My watery mouth dried out as there was nothing but cold coffee and bread crumbs left. My greedy brothers had eaten everything. My mother told me that it served me right for getting up late. I sighed deeply and ran out of the house. I mounted on my bicycle and moved 5 meters before I realized that I left my school bag. I dismounted and hurried upstairs to get it. I
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