Personal Narrative Essay: The Day I Almost Died

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The Day I Almost Died “Maltin, where are we going now?” “I don’t know Xhuljian I want to go get something to eat are you hungry?” “Yeah I could eat.” “Alright let’s go to Taco Bell.” “WATCH OUT!” A semi truck had hit us. Upon impact, I felt like the whole world just shattered. Of course, that might have been the sound of all the windows breaking. My vision was turned into a kaleidoscope of sound and color, as our car rolled over three times. I don’t exactly remember much after that, but I do remember being rescued from the car. I remember the hot pinpricks of pain, as the broken glass was embedded into my body while I was being dragged out of the car. The date was November sixth, 2009. I was sixteen years old. I woke up to my brother Maltin yelling at me to get up because it was his birthday and we had plans all that day. “Wake up you lazy ass I called you out of school.” “Maltin I have a test today I have to go in!” “No you don’t you can retake it, and plus it will give you extra time to study.” I could not possibly deny that logic, so I got out of bed and took a shower. I spent about twenty minutes putting on my clothes, and doing my hair because I always have to look good for the ladies. “MOM WERE GOING OUT!” yelled Maltin. “WHEN WILL YOU BE BACK?” my mom yelled from upstairs. “TOMORROW!”…show more content…
At first, my vision was a little blurry and I was frightened when I looked up and saw what appeared to be someone with a gas mask on. As my vision returned to normal I realized it was just a nurse, and that she was reading all of my vitals. As the events of the car crash hit me I immediately sat up and started asking for my brother. The nurse told me that we both made it out fine and that it would take a while for us to recover. As I laid back down, that moment in my driveway where I had the bad feeling suddenly popped into my head, and from that day on I vowed to always listen to my

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