The Cultural Aspects of Singapore

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Singapore: The Cultural Aspects Within ANT101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor: Ronald Bolender Elena V. Parker June 12, 2011 The Cultural Aspects of Singapore I. Introduction II. The Primary mode of Subsistence III. Kinship A. Marriage B. Family IV. Social and Political Organization A. Religion B. Race C. Culture V. Conclusion Singapore: The Cultural Aspects Within The Singapore Culture consists of various ethnic backgrounds. They are alike in some ways and different in others. The culture consists of different organizations that describe the many aspects related to its culture. I hope to learn more as I continue my research of the Singapore culture. I think that I will find it quite similar to that of the American culture. Singapore was a part of the British Malaya for many centuries. The British came to an island and set up a port and colony, in the year 1918. For over two centuries the British ruled Singapore and its port. During this time Singapore attracted many migrants. Singapore became a republic, independent nation, after World War II. It remains the same today. The Singapore Population is made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians, Caucasians, and Eurasians. Singaporean culture is best described as a melting pot of mainly Chinese, British, Malay, Indian cultures; A reflection of its immigrant history. Despite rapid industrialization, the majority of Singaporeans celebrate the major festivals associated with their respective religions. The variety of religions found in Singapore is a direct reflection of the diversity of races living there. The Chinese are predominantly followers of Buddhism and Taoism (deity worship), though some are Christians. Malays are overwhelmingly Muslims and most of Singapore's Indians are Hindus; there is, however, a sizeable proportion of Muslims and

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