"The Crucible" Act 4 Reputation

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In the connection with the theme Reputation Parris is talking to Judge Hathorne about Rebecca Nurse and Proctors reputation on page 127. Parris: Judge Hathorne - it were another sort that hanged till now. Rebecca Nurse is no Bridget that lived three year with Bishop before she married him. John Proctor is not Isaac Ward that drank his family to ruin. To Danforth: I would to God it were not so, Excellency, but these people have great weight jet in the town. Let Rebecca stand upon the gibbet and send up some righteous prayer, and I fear sheNll wake a vengeance on you.(127) Parris is saying to judge Hathorne that Rebecca and Proctor are not like Bridget and Isaac ward whose reputations are not so good. Rebecca and Proctor are good people who are liked in the town and if they were to be hanged vengeance will come. For vengeance to come would have to mean their reputations are really good in the town. In the connection with the theme reputation Elizabeth is talking to Proctor on page 137. "Elizabeth: Do what you will. But let none be your judge. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is! Forgive me, forgive me, John - I never knew such goodness in the world! She covers her face, weeping".(137). Elizabeth is saying that John should do whatever he wishes and how he should not let anyone judge him except himself. This relates to reputation by how Elizabeth is telling John that he shouldn't care what people think about him about his decisions. In the connection with the theme reputation Danforth is taking to John on page 140 and 141. Danforth: Proctor, you mistake me. I am not empowered to trade your life for a lie. You have most certainly seen some person with the Devil. Proctor is silent. Mr. Proctor, a score of people have already testified they saw this woman with the Devil. Proctor: Then it is proved. Why must I say it? Danforth: Why KmustM
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