The Crucible Essay

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Is Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention” persuasive? START OUT BY CREATING A THESIS STATEMENT THAT ANSWERS THE QUESTION “WAS PATRICK HENRY’S SPEECH TO THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION PERSUASIVE?” YOUR THESIS STATEMENT WILL BE SOMETHING LIKE: PATRICK HENRY’S SPEECH TO THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION WAS VERY PERSUASIVE BECAUSE HE APPEALED TO ETHOS, PATHOS, AND LOGOS TO CONVINCE HIS AUDIENCE TO VOTE FOR WAR WITH ENGLAND. Then, you will start by saying something like: Patrick Henry appeals to ethos by establishing his own credibility and by adding to his credibility by mentioning God very often in his speech. I. Intro and thesis: Persuasively employs (uses) ethos, pathos, logos II. Use of Ethos is very effective A. Establishes his own credibility 1. Respectful (Lines) 2. Knowledge of this crisis (Lines) B. Adds more credibility using authority of another 1. Calls on God and Holiness (Lines) 2. Contrasts king to God (Lines) 3. Our work is God’s work (Lines) 4. Uses Biblical allusions to add weight and emphasize God’s part Part 2: Is Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention” persuasive? III. Use of pathos is very effective A. Uses language to stir anger or outrage in listeners 1. Lines….. are intended to anger and frustrate (2-3 examples) 2. Lines …..are intended to stir fear or dread (2-3 examples) 3. Metaphor and allusion used to stir fear and suspicion (examples with quotes from lines) IV. Use of logos is very effective A. Uses language to appeal to the reasoning of listeners 1. Lines….. are intended to show logical attempts to work with England (2-3 examples) 2. Lines …..are intended to show how our

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