The Cop and the Anthem/ Analysis of the Text

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The analysis of the text “The Cop and the Anthem”. The text which I’m going to analyze is entitled “The Cop and the Anthem” written by an American writer - William Sydney Porter , known by his pen name O. Henry. O. Henry's short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. “The Cop and the Anthem” is a ridiculous short story with unexpected and ironic ending. The main character is the man Soapy the member of lower class. The social position of the character did not mentioned in the text. Also the author did not write that he was alone and homeless. We get to know about this information from the text during the process of the reading indirect. The text is written in the 3-rd person singular. The author tells us the life of our homeless character Soapy, about his adventures. He describes everything in detail, for example, “On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions. It catered to large appetites and modest purses. It crockery and atmosphere were thick; its soup and napery thin”. From this describing, we can imagine well the place and understand that the restaurant was not so good and was not so expensive. So, we can suggest, that the type of narrative is narration with elements of description. The text can be logically divided into 4 parts: introduction, story-itself, climax and denouement. The introduction, as usual, begins from the meeting the reader with the main character Soapy. As I have already told, Soapy is a homeless man, who usually tramped on Madison square garden. To save his own life and to do not die from cold, every year he tried to commit crime in order to get into the prison. And he took the decision to commit rowdyism again and to get into prison. The action takes place in New-York. Story-itself starts from his first decision to get into expensive restaurant, to

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