The Concept of God as a Creator

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God as the creatorCreated out of nothing (ex nihilo). God's creation of the world refers to the entire Universe, including the creation of an unseen spiritual realm. In addition to animals and human beings, God created spiritual beings such as angels. Because God created everything out of nothing, it implies that God created space and matter, as there was a time when the Universe did not exist. Hence creation is not co-eternal with God. Both the Jewish Scriptures (the Old Testament) and the New Testament state that the mode of creation was 'by the word of God'. This relates to the sovereign commands of God. In Genesis, the spirit of God is also referred to in the work of creation. He is pictured giving life to God's creation. The New Testament also emphasises the role of Jesus, who is described as the one whom creation came about. Creation is distinct from God but dependant on god. The creator is is separate and distinct from that which he creates. That is why the prophets in the Bible, for example, spoke against idols and images. People were accused of worshipping the created rather than the creator. Despite being portrayed as separate from creation, God is depicted as being involved with this world. Indeed, the Universe is continually dependant on this world for is existence and functioning. The nature of GodGod's authority: the creator has authority over the creation. The creation does not belong to human beings and we hold the world in trust for God. Therefore, we are stewards rather than owners of the world. God as craftsman: the Bible contains various descriptions of the process of the creation of e world, portraying God as craftsman or expert builder. For instance, Psalm 8:3 refers to 'the work of God's fingers' and 'the moon and the stars that God has set in place'. In a similar way, Psalm 147:8-9 describes God covering the sky with clouds to supply the
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