The Comic Characters

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The comic characters: 1- Sir TobyBelch; is a comic character in the play, together with sir Andrew they represent a sort of team, they are seen as too opposites sides of the cons physically in their personality. Sir Toby, as the name indicates, is fat and fully crude, raw, spontaneous and earthly; while sir Andrew suggest that he’s long skinny etc…… Sir Toby is actually a sharp, humorous, witty person and always capable of making a good pen or a creating a humorous plot. He gets on with Maria in …for her but because he has some weakness for her and because she can create a good atmosphere. At the end of the play they get married, Sir Toby indulges in excessive drinking and eating, he loves to play tricks on serious people. Although he is a knight: a noble man, he still remains as rather a corrupt individual. He keeps Sir Andrew around him because he can full him out for his money. He is indeed guilty of misusing his nieces’ house & abusing her services, yet in spite of his false, he remains a likable character. 2- Sir Andrew Aguecheek on the other hand is merely a foolish fellow who is easily exploited &who does not realize that he is cheated; only a foolish fellow could think that a rich & beautiful lady as Olivia would consider marrying an ugly, skinny & stupid person like him. A good deal of humor in the play is achieved at the expense of Sir Andrew, Sir Toby sums up his comical knight as follows: “he is an ice head & a coxcomb & … a thin faced ... a gull” 3- Maria (Scene three) is another likeable character in the play, we like her despite her pranks & her rigors. She is pretty, clever & sharp-tongued. She fetes scene with Sir Toby’s’ world view. Both are opposed to the puritan Malvolio. 4- Malvolio: is the opposite many workers Sir Toby & Sir Andrew while the other characters are almost always happy, he is serious & brave, he likes to think of himself
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