The Color Purple - Celie

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In Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, Celie, the protagonist is a girl with low self esteem that lives a life of hardship. However, with the help of three influential women in her life, she undergoes a transformation into a powerful and outspoken individual. These three women are Nettie, Sofia and Shug Avery. They are the ones who help Celie find her voice and to learn how to stand up for herself. Celie is inspired by her sister’s strength and perseverance. Drawing inspiration from her sister, Celie finds that she can make a difference. This helps Celie to overcome her hardships and toils, as well as her scars. Celie also tries to shelter Nettie from the abuse from their father. Furthermore, Celie looks to Nettie for education, when she is taken out of school, and support, when she moves in with Mr. ____. Upon Nettie running away, Mr. ____ hides all letters sent to Celie from Nettie, which cuts off their communication with each other, deeply upsetting Celie. When Celie discovers Nettie’s letters, Celie finds out that her sister is alive. This gives Celie a new inspiration and a greater desire to live. Nettie is also Celie’s only connection to her children. Nettie gives Celie a source of confidence, knowing that her children are intelligent and well. Throughout Celie’s life, Nettie was the one who supported and loved Celie but when Celie lost communication with Nettie, she found Sophia to look up to for inspiration. Sophia is a strong woman who intimidates Celie at first; however, after getting to know each other they become friends and each other’s support during the abuse they were going through. Sophia’s size and attitude surprises Celie, when they are first introduced to each other. This was when Mr. ____’s son, Harpo brings her to meet his father. At that time, Mr. ____ is talking down to her and Sophia does not let Mr. ____ treat her that way. To Celie,

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