The Cognitive, Emotional, and Relational Characteristics of Master Therapists.

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Running head: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY The Cognitive, Emotional, and Relational Characteristics of Master Therapists. Joseph Kimani COUN 501 Journal Article Summary # 1 Dr. Stan McGregor, August, 31st 2009. Counseling Psychology Over the years, many researchers have spent time to reanalyze interview data from a previous qualitative study of the personal characteristics of master therapists (Jennings & Skovholt, 1999). Previous research has demonstrated that therapists utilize a variety of resources when making ethical decisions, including professional codes of conduct and their own values. Making the best ethical decisions can be extremely challenging for most therapists due to the multitude of complex ethical situations that arise in practice. The study was done to investigate and identify which factors therapist practitioners do affect them and eventually their clients. The goal of this study was to examine the ethical values of therapists considered to be "the best of the best" by their professional colleagues. It was hoped that such an examination would help to illuminate the ethical values that these master therapists seem to draw upon in their profession. The assessment was done within a well and highly recommended group of 10 peer-nominated experts and master therapists, and was conducted in the area of their cognitive, emotional, and relational characteristics. The time spent in this research, to investigate and identify factors that constitute into effective psychotherapy among these analysis of 10 master therapists' interviews resulted in the identification of nine ethical values related to their clinical practice: (1). relational connection, (2) autonomy, (3) beneficence, (4) nonmaleficence, (5) competence, (6) humility, (7) professional growth, (8) openness to complexity and ambiguity, and (9) self-awareness. Conducting oneself

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