The Class That Changed the World

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The Class That Could Change the World As I reflect on the classes that I am taking this semester, the class that I believe changed my outlook on the world is my psychology class. My psychology class has given me the opportunity to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. I realize now that God has gifted me with a positive outlook and good communication skills. These strengths have enhanced my college experience and will enhance my life overall if I develop them. They have also made it easier for me to get acclimated to my college surroundings. Additionally, these gifts have helped me to communicate, socialize, and meet new people more easily. The ability to communicate effectively improves all aspects of my life, from social activities to my future role as a teacher. It is a vital life skill to be able to communicate information accurately and clearly. Let's take a deeper look at my strengths. The first strength I would like to discuss is having a positive outlook. This strength indicates that one is generous with praise, quick to smile, and always on the lookout for the good in a situation. Individuals who are talented in the includer category display gifts that include people in various situations and make them feel like a part of the group. Woo strengths include characteristics such as enjoying the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you. Communication strengths include speaking in public, hosting, and writing. It does not matter whether you are a high level manager, a doctor or a nurse, a teacher or a housewife, good communication skills are crucial to get your point across clearly and concisely to the listener. This is why communication skills are so important. Finally, achiever strengths include a great deal of stamina and hard work. Psychology has opened my eyes to reveal my strengths, and it has also depicted my

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