The Chicken And Her Eggs

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Narrative The Chicken and Her Eggs My daughter has the most creative imagination of any child that I have ever seen. She comes home from school almost every week with a new story. One day, she came home from school and was completely animated, just bouncing with anticipation, to tell me what happened that day. “Mom, you will never believe what happened to me on the bus today!” “What happened on the bus today?” I asked her. “You know that farm down the road from our house that has the rabbits and chickens? Well, a chicken from that farm flew into the window of the bus and landed on my lap!” she said. I was about to tell her that she needed to make sure that she was telling the truth, but then realized that in coming up with this story, she was using her creative abilities. I didn't want to hinder this glorious ability of hers. To keep the story going, I asked her, “A chicken flew in through the bus window and then landed on your lap?” “Yes mommy, and it laid it's egg! Not just one, but two eggs!” “Two eggs! What on earth did you do with them?” She continued with the story by saying, “The bus driver pulled over so that I could put the eggs on the ground. That way they would be safe. I put them behind a bush so that no one would see or bother them.” “That was very nice of you to think about the safety of the eggs. But how are the eggs going to stay warm?” I watched her as she thought about this question for a few seconds. Then she said “I helped the mother chicken over to the bush where I put the eggs so that she could lay on them to keep them warm!” To this day, this is one of my most cherished and favorite stories that she has come home to tell me. The look on her face, and the sincerity that she told the story with, was so real. If you didn't know better, you would have no doubt that this really happened
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