The Characteristics of the Poorest Nations on Earth Mean That They Will Never Be Able to Develop – Discuss

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The Characteristics of the poorest nations on earth mean that they will never be able to develop – Discuss Most developed countries tend to follow roughly the same pattern when they transmute from being an extremely poor nation to being a rich one. They first get a boost in wealth somehow which helps them move past subsistence living. It could be that they can suddenly farm more valuable food than ever before, strike new resources or it could be that they suddenly receive an enormous amount of wealth from foreign direct investment. The country then gains the money necessary to make investments in health, education and infrastructure, further increasing productivity and creating more wealth. The country once again uses the new wealth to make critical investments, entering into a cycle in which investments create more wealth and wealth is used to fund more investments. This is an example of where a development continuum occurs, following such stages as Rostows model of modernisation. The pre-conditions for take-off must be established if the actual rapid growth of take-off is to occur. The majority of the LDCs (Least Developed Countries) of the world suffer due to a number of reasons on a resource, political or economical basis. Referring to the cycle above, these LDC countries would require an initial boost in wealth to even consider move past subsistence living. Subsistence living meaning that of being too poor to purchase goods in quantity and rely on whatever they can grow, without the opportunity to gain an income from their labour. In black and white this is due to either the residence not being able to sell their produce or FDI (Foreign direct investment) not reaching those who truly need it. If a country does not have any useful raw materials or a specific industry they do not operate any form of comparative advantage. In the cases where countries

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