The Character of Mr. Abe’s World

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Mr. Abe’s character is depicted to be a self employed carnation grower. He is an old gentleman who keeps to himself and has children. He’s very friendly and invites company. He is very dependable and predictable. Mr. Abe is alone and misses his homeland. The young man seems to be Mr. Abe’s only real friend as he does not mention anyone else during his visits to Mr. Abe’s house. The young man is very enthused with Mr. Abe’s abalone collection. Mr. Abe would spend hours sitting on his porch talking to the young man and polishing his collection of abalone shells throughout the year. Living on the west coast provided Mr. Abe an excellent opportunity to collect abalone shells. It gave him the nice weather needed to spend hours on his porch polishing shells. Mr. Abe would spend hours on Sunday and his lunch time during the week to polish his shells. He was dedicated to the shells. The beauty produced by the shells captured Mr. Abe’s imagination. So much that he refused to disclose why he collected and admired them. The young man would visit Mr. Abe for years and spend hours talking about the shells. He often asked Mr. Abe about the shells, but as always Mr. Abe would not disclose why he spent so much time collecting and polishing them. Mr. Abe did not travel much. He spent most of his time at home or in his carnation garden. He made a decent living growing carnations and running his business. His job gave him the time to get away and do what he wanted. Year after year the young man would visit Mr. Abe. He always welcomed the young man and talked about his shells. These shells symbolized something great for Mr. Abe as he would collect these shells relentlessly. Mr. Abe is not an open person. He conceals his emotions and is unwilling to talk about his thoughts. The beauty of the abalone shells transformed Mr. Abe’s personality. His beliefs in the
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