The Causes of Teenage Pregnancy

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The Causes of Teenage Pregnancy According to save the children organization, each year about 13 million children are born to women who under the age of 20 (“Teenage”1). In the United State, about 750,000 of teenage girls become Pregnant every year, that means 2000 girls each day (“What”2). Eighty-two percentages of those pregnancies are unplanned and unprepared. Teenage Pregnancy can lead the teenager to poverty, drop from school, medical and psychosocial problems. This social and public health issue in teenagers is caused by peer pressure, alcohol and sexual abuses. The first and most effective cause of teenage pregnancy is peer pressure. This cause refers to the relationship between friends through encouraging each other to involve in group activities. For example, as an individual; group may force the person to drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or use illegal drug. In addition, peer pressure has the ability to change the person behavior, attitude or value in order to be a part of group. In girl situation having sex in early age will make her notice by other and have more popularity in the group. Researchers have found most of the girls have sexual relationship only for fun and intimacy not considering the risk of pregnancy. The second cause of teenage pregnancy has to do with alcohol abuse. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unwanted Pregnancy, more than third of a sexual active teenage is under alcohol influence. When teenagers introduced to alcohol in an early age; the percentage of pregnancy is higher than normal teenagers. Drinking alcohol engages the teenagers to uncontrollable act, behavior and decision. Alcohol encourages to have unprotected sexual activity that has serious dangerous effects on teenagers future life. The third and most significant cause of teenage pregnancy is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is forcing the
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