The Causes of Lack of Confidence

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The Causes of Lack of Confidence By Louy Isam Malaikah Have you ever bought some clothes that you have never worn because you are afraid of criticism? Or, have you always wanted to get a new look but you doubted yourself? Or, have you ever wanted to express your opinion about something but you were afraid of people attacking your beliefs? If so, you might have a lack of confidence issue. If you suffer from lack of confidence, it is important to discover the cause to solve the problem. There are several factors that cause lack of confidence: fear of criticism, lack of assertiveness, perfectionism, and feelings of inferiority. Fear of criticism is believed to be one of the main causes of lack of confidence. People who fear criticism care too much about other people opinions. They are always thinking of what people might say or might think if they do this or that. This fear of criticism could have some effects on those who suffer from it. “One of the most obvious symptoms of the fear of criticism is a desire to keep up with the Joneses. This will prompt you to try to maintain a front in competition with your neighbors, even if it causes you to spend beyond your income”[1]. Mainly, most people in this situation cannot enjoy their life and they cannot take risky steps that would make their life better because they are always afraid of what people might have to say about them. Lack of assertiveness may be another cause of lack of confidence. People who cannot express their opinions and needs are often ignored and not much respected. People need to learn how to be assertive, so other people can understand their needs and respect them. Lack of assertiveness has some effect on people who suffer from it. The most usual effect is feeling angry, resentful and insecure. Perfectionism is also believed to be a cause of lack of confidence. Perfectionists have some unrealistic

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