The Cause of Depression from the Seven Perspectives

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The Cause of 1 The Cause of Depression from the Seven Current Perspectives 8010049 Psychology 130 Dr. Michael Catchpole October 30, 2012 The Cause of 2 The intention of this paper is to explore the underlying causes of depression from the point of view of the seven current psychological perspectives. In so doing it will be a primary consideration that only relevant, peer reviewed, scholarly material be used. Mankind has been documenting depression for several millennia; Hippocrates first coined the term “melancholia” (black bile), around 400 BC. Presently, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (2000) (DSM1V) (Table 1), major depression is known as “Major Depressive Disorder” (MDD). Today researchers view depression as a set of symptoms which are widely variable and unlike a single disease are a body of dissimilar elements (heterogeneous) having distinct pathophysiologies and causes( Nestler et al., 2002). In other words most researchers view depression as a complicated condition requiring a bio-psycho-social consideration. Someone looking at depression from the neuroscience perspective would be interested in how brain and body chemistry might play a role in depression as they facilitate sensory experiences, memories, and emotions (Myers, 2012). Researchers looking at depression from this perspective have evidenced through the use of Functional MRI scans that sensory experiences can alter brain activity creating a pattern comparable to the patterns found in patients experiencing depressed moods. Other related studies showed that during periods of depressed moods brain activity slowed considerably; while MRI scans showed that the size of the frontal lobes of severely depressed people were seven percent less than the norm (Myers, 2010). Raedt and
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