The Biggest Change in My Life

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The biggest change in my life! Moving to the United States from Dalat, Vietnam was a dramatic experience that has impacted my life in many different ways. My family immigrated to a new country hoping for a better future. I had spent fourteen years of my childhood in Vietnam only to tear away from my relatives, friends and home to start a new life on a city that I have not known much about. On the flight to Seattle I realized this is will be new life that I am about to create. These countries have helped me grown and changed to a better person in several reasons. When I first arrived to Seattle, Washington I was thinking this could be my turning point where I change myself. My life in Vietnam was hopeless because I was a failing student with not much interest in school. A lot of time, I spent my money on video game, playing pool and hanging out with friends instead of studying. After spending a month in Seattle I knew moving from one place to another is never easy especially when social and cultural adaptations are involved. I have to learn a new language, making new friends and adapting a new culture all at the same time, this made my first year in the United States was very stressful. English was never easy for me and sometime it takes me so long to explain one simple thing to someone. This could be the reason why I was always being quiet in class. However, I forced myself to read, write, listen and speak English everyday with other student. All my hard works finally paid off as I now have a job and many friends. Dalat and Seattle have totally different environment. In Vietnam, the place where I sleep is where my family cramp up in a small house with over ten people. Outside the house is bumpy dirt road and rock on the road. There were no playgrounds for children, instead there are big backyards filled with tires, trees and other junk like a trash dump. When
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