The Best Moment of My Life

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Mika Rollins 05.14.14 7th The grass frog dissecting was ok I guess I mean I couldn’t stand the smell it was weird. The inside of the frog looked so that’s why I’m writing this letter. One of the adaptations of the frog is that their eyes bulge out which allows them to see in all directions. Frogs that live in trees have sticky cups on the pads of their feet to help them. Frogs are cold blooded animals which allow them to survive during the winter they hibernating under mud or large piles of leaves. Frogs can also breathe oxygen without using their gills. Frogs also have powerful back legs which allow them to escape danger really quickly Frog adaptations help frogs survive in their environment. Some adaptations are structural that help frogs provide for themselves. Others are behavioral and help them escape from their predators. Frogs are among the world's best jumpers. Some kinds of frogs can jump 40 times their length! They bend easily and are sticky. Not only does this keep them from slipping when taking off, but also enables frogs to grip landing surfaces. The frog's hind feet are webbed, enabling them to swim fast and get away from their predators. Frogs are the most commonly dissected animals in middle and high school. Other species like cats, mice, rats, pigs, and fish. Some animals come from breeding facilities that cater to institutions and businesses that use animals in experiments and other animals are caught in the wild. Even some pounds and animal shelters sell animals to biological supply companies, which in turn sell them to schools. Please see our factsheet on pound seizure for more information. I feel like they shouldn’t rip open animals that are harmless just to dissect them and show kids what’s inside. But at the same time feel its ok because what better way to learn them to do it yourself by hand and that

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