The Benefits Of Being a Vegetarian

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Human should be Vegetarian to Save Ourselves and Our Planet Every living thing needs energy to survive. Energy enables us to move, grow and reproduce. Different organism obtains energy in different and unique ways. Human can get energy from the combination of food they eat through meats, fruits and vegetables. As meats are derived from animal’s flesh, thousands of animals are being killed every minute to satisfy mankind’s taste rather than maintaining our health. It is proven scientifically that human anatomy is suitable to be herbivore as our body structure is designed for that. Furthermore vegetable can substitute meat for all our nutrients needs in order to stay healthy. Thus, human can be energetic by solely eating vegetables and fruits. Therefore author like Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson from the book titled “ The Face On Our Plate” and Micheal Polland’s book “ The Omnivore’s Dillemma” and other health and environmental sources mention about foods that derived from meats these days are so unhealthy for human and how it affects the environment. As such, human should eat plant base foods to stay healthy so that fewer farm animals are produced to save the environment. Nowadays, eating livestock from conventional farmlands creates huge environmental problems. The huge demand of meat due to the rise of living standards in developing countries has caused the rise of meat production. “The animal based diet is on the rise in developing countries” (Environmental Health Perspective 445). For example million metric tons of manure from mega-animal farms pollutes the environment. Factory farms have no means to discard manure so they store it in open lagoons as such nitrogen and methane gases from this open manure lagoons slip to rivers and pollute waterways and fishes are killed. “Because the huge volume of manure from factory farms cannot be absorbed by local

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