The Bad Effects of Smoking

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We all know that smoking is bad for us, but have you really considered how bad it is for your health? Almost all first-time users try smoking before their high school graduation. This essay using variable surveys, will show some of the bad effects of smoking, including the physical effects, physiological effects and social effects. The physical effects are the most serious effect. Smoking costs the United States over $150 billion annually in health care costs. Smoking stains the teeth and fingertips; therefore, it creates a bad impression among your friends. Smoking also causes premature aging and wrinkles, which are the small lines on your skin Physiological effects come immediately. Humphrey Bogart, an actor who is seen smoking in the movieCasablanca, smoked heavily in real life as well; he died of lung cancer at the age of 57. Smoking causes lung cancer and andslowly deteriorates lung capacity, which makes exercising difficult. Smoking is an addiction, meaning that smokers need to smoke an increasing number of cigarettes in order to feel the same satisfaction, and they continue to smoke every single day without fears. The social effects are the last consequences. Non-smokers usually do not socialize with smokers for many reasons. For example, smokers often wake up with a dry mouth, and their non-smoker partners will refuse to kiss them because of their bad breath. Cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco smokers are 5 to 10 times more likely to get mouth or throat cancer than non-smokers are. Smokers cannot smoke in restaurants, and they can only smoke in designated non-smoking areas. There are also laws about smoking. In other words, no matter what you think, smoking kills, slowly but surely, and along the way it deteriorates the quality of life. In one to nine months, coughing, sinuses, congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath will decrease and cilia in the

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