The Aspects of the Behavioural Psychologist Perspectives

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Describe the many aspects of the Behaviourist psychological perspective Behaviourists explain we learn our behaviour from our environment that we are surrounded by, whether it is at home, work, school, clubs we socialise in, out on the streets with our friends. This can happen in many ways through social learning, operant conditioning or classical conditioning. It works on instinct like fear, hunger, emotions etc. One way we can learn is to associate two things together for example classical conditioning a stimulus has got to occur before a response, we can and we do use this in today’s society for example we use classical conditioning to train dogs for example like, when you throw a ball and they go get the ball and give it back to you, giving them treats or a pat will reinforce them positively to repeat their actions. Another example of classical conditioning is; if every time someone flushes the toilet in your house while you are in the shower and the water gets very hot causing you to jump back, overtime you instinctively jump back before the water temperature changes, eventually you only have to hear the sound of the toilet flushing. The hot water is the unconditioned stimulus (ucs). Jumping back is the unconditioned response (ucr). The toilet flushing becomes the conditioned stimulus (cs). The jumping back with just the sound of the toilet flushing is the conditioned response (cr) Operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning, which is behaviour that is reinforced this can be positive or negative reinforcements or variable reinforcements. It operates in our environment. An example of operant conditioning would be a pupil getting in trouble by their teacher for not doing your homework. This is an example of negative reinforcement because the child would be scared of the consequences. Positive reinforcement would be giving the child a gold

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