The Art Of Loving

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According to Erich Fromm’s book “The Art of Loving”, Fromm explains his point of view towards love. He doesn’t believe in two strangers can feel close, feel one suddenly without getting know to each other. There’s no magical and miraculous things like “falling” in love with somebody accidentally without any explainations. This kind of love will not be long lasting for Fromm believes love needs time to built and develop. However, the traditional conception of love in Western Civilization is different from Fromm’s love conception. Nowadays, love represents a pleasant feeling in which everybody craved for it, for they don’t wwant to suffer from loneliness and seperateness. People are in search of “romantic love” and they think love is a miracle. There’s nothing needs to be learned about love because it happens unexpectedly. Although people tend to get more love, they think nothing needs to learn about love. Love represents an object under this culture. It is an appendage of the target, who we choose to “fall in” love. In Victorian age, marriage was contracted by convention, and love becomes a material development after marriage. Nowadays, although United State takes “romantic love” is the major concept of love, which consists of personal experience of love then lead to marriage, the importance of love is being emphasized on the “love object” rather than its function. They think love can be exchanged by devotion, like trade; the prize will be your target subject. Besides, western culture takes love as the problem of “being love”, rather than loving others. They treat love as a demand, which they can earn without sacrificing. As a matter of fact, most people in western culture take “being lovable” as an essentially mixture of being popular and having sex appeal. People keep finding their own way to gain their charm to keep “being love”. When we look at the angle from
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