Another disturbing revelation about her childhood was that Aileen had sexual relations at a young age, but with her brother Keith. One man who testified in court admitted that he lost his virginity to her, but right after he brother Keith was done having sex with Aileen. This disturbing issue revealed that there was a high probability that Aileen was molested by her closest relatives, and was psychologically reduced to a whore at a very young age. The social trait theory proves that her environment was not only unsupportive but also very dangerous at her once tender age. She was rejected, exposed, and abused to the point where it was a norm.
However he had a tragic flaw but him confessing leads up to his tragic death that causes the audience to feel sympathy. John Proctor’s downfall is initiated by a human flaw which was his inability to control and resist his desire. When his wife Elizabeth got sick began to catch feelings for Abigail. When John Proctor stated “but I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach out for you” (page 15, act one) he shows how at one point he was having an affair behind his wife back and this lead up to all the madness in the town of Salem. When Abigail was talking to Proctor she says “She is telling lies to about me!
In Arthur Miller's The Crucible Abigail William's traumatic childhood has turned her into a vindictive person who's need for self-preservation has driven her to value nothing but her own life. Horrid incidents such as the grisly one Abigail sustained can have such a tremendous impact on a child's perspective and personality. The lack of attention and love Abigail received during her childhood has furthermore induced her to act very brutally towards people in order to fulfill her urges and needs. The traumatic events a child has experienced can have various complex influences on their development. For example the exposure of ruthless acts of violence inflicted on the child's parent can manipulate the child's attitude as well as behavioral
This is one of the examples of the misogynistic mindset in the age she was raised, that certainly fueled her writing. Young 2 Though there are many parables to pull from the text, one sticks out among the rest, explaining the range of emotions that Mrs. Mallard felt upon hearing of her husband's alleged death. "There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to
Billy’s social control agent starts out to be his mother. Billy dreads what his dominating mother thinks of him. Billy’s mother also broke off the engagement to Billy’s fiancée because she thought that the girl was beneath him. This returned the social control of Billy back to his mother. When Billy has sex with a girl, Candy, at the ward, Nurse Ratched confronts Billy.
Yet the horrid act of violence leaves her fearful about recording the event. When Mary states she has stood for worse, the act of violence reminds her of what she dealt with as a child and her abusive father. Although she has worked hard to try to forget about those times and distance herself from that experience, the violent act brings her back to those time and with that comes the fear of speaking
Because of discrimination against women rights, and how society view women is nothing much than their sex slaves, Elizabeth suffered from great loss of family and love. From her experience of giving a birth to a dead baby to the point of becoming a sex worker, it perishes her hope of living in a comfortable and pleasing life. The absence of love for Elizabeth causes her to suffer from grief and catastrophe. Society against women rights prevents Elizabeth to speak up for her tragedy because she has no place and no one to blame to. Instead, she has to endure all the horrifying loss from both society and
The story of Medea, written by Euripides, is a romantic tragedy that ends in an unexpected way. Throughout the play, it is easy to feel sorry for Medea who has devoted herself to Jason, only to have him leave her and her children for another woman and a better life. However, readers will begin to despise Medea as her final revenge on Jason is to kill her own children. Even though Medea knows it is wrong, this paper will argue whether Medea murders her children out of selfishness or out of love? Medea fell in love with Jason the moment she met him.
This power structure is kept strong by making failures out of oneself and taking away any independence the women may have including the wives. The handmaids are raped and forced into childbirth and the wives are equally imprisoned because they are married to the masterminds of such a hideous society. I cannot imagine living is a society where my choice to have a child is stolen from me. Society that will punish with death or torture if I decide to rebel against child birth. Birth is a gift given to a woman’s body from GOD.
In the novel The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, author shows a young woman being punished for her sin of infidelity. While the whole towns continues to insult her and tease her, Hester does nothing but be haughty and strong for herself. It was the only way she can truly overcome her current situation. She was not going to let a town of walking hypocrites choose her faith. People deserve a second chance and need to be forgiven because no one has a survival guide to be a