The Amphitheatre Essay

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The amphitheatre was a large, stadium like place built by the ancient Romans for viewing spectator sports such as gladiator fights. The first permanent amphitheatre in Rome was established in Pompeii and until then gladiator fights took place in forums of various cities as well as many other places. As the name suggests, coming from the Greek amphi-, which means “on both sides,” and theatron, which means “place for viewing,” the amphitheatre was basically two theaters joined together, as the Romans thought of it. While gladiators were prevalent to the amphitheatre, many other events took place as well such as; roman circuses, and the greek hippodrome: both of which were chariot races, and horse races. Note worthy amphitheatres were; the Colosseum in Rome is the best known today, the Amphitheatre of Pompeii was the first built, The Pula Arena is one of the best preserved amphitheatres, and . The Colosseum was split for seating of different social classes. The first few rows were for senators, the next section of rows were for equestrians, and there were seats after that for Intermediate categories of people, and finally some not so great seating for women and plebeians, and above even that was covered seating for the wives of senators and equestrians. The Colosseum could seat up to 50,000 people at once. The Colosseum got its name from the 120 ft. high statue of Nero that was located in an area near the amphitheatre, however, the name didn’t come around till much later. It was built under the emperors of the Flavian dynasty, more specifically Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. The amphitheatres started when the politician Curio came up with the idea to put two semi-circular wooden stands on a pivot, but the stands late that afternoon swiveled into an oval, and the amphitheatre was born. To the Romans the amphitheater was a place of civilized order over lawlessness

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