The American Dream Paradox

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“The American Dream: A Paradox” Most people want to be successful in their life, but most of them fail to produce the results they desire in the end. Money, social class and family stability are among some of the factors that could inhibit ones success. “Our national mythology abounds with the illustration of the American success story. The notion of success haunts us”. (Colombo 255-256) Paradoxes in American culture are caused by one's ability to achieve success solely based on the individual and their ability. Colombo's thoughts are directly a paradox because success is something that not everyone can achieve even if they work their hardest. The family is the basic building block or unit of society, thus the stability of the community…show more content…
Schools have hidden curriculum which teach children certain building blocks based off their social class. A school in the “Ghetto” may only teach children certain skills to succeed as factory workers for example, because that is what society needs the school to produce for the economy. We see an example of schools and their hidden curriculum in the essay “Against School” written by John Taylor Gatto. Gatto questions why society needs public schools, when their hidden curriculum is to produce workers for different social classes. “We must wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands. Mandatory education serves children on incidentally; it's real purpose is to turn them into servants”.(Gatto 155) So at a young age we are taught to go to school five days a week, abide by bells and structural discipline, and not to question what we are being taught in our classes, teaching nothing but conformity. Schools also teach competition, through sports and academics, which in some ways may be helpful to an individual, but in most ways puts pressure on individuals at a young age to be the best they can be or else they fail, resulting in a failed American success…show more content…
“ In the affluent professional school, work is creative activity carried out independently. The students are continually asked to express and apply ideas and concepts”.(Anyon 179) It's against the American principle to belong to a social class. Americans have a really hard time talking about the class system, because they really don't want to admit that the class system exists. The Declaration of Independence asserts that “all men are created equal.” Has that ideal ever been realized in the United States? These have remained as purely ideals for many, but have never become a reality for most. Social class is a term that dates back to the 1950's but the ideas of social class date back to the beginning of time. There have always been rich, poor, pheasants, slaves, kings, queens and beggars in society. Today's society has rich, upper class, middle class, low class and poverty social classes. Social classes just transcends to a new time

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