The Advantages of Team-Work in School

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M'asoumeh Nabiyollahzadeh The advantages of team-work in school While I was studying in the library a group of teenagers entered and sat at one of the tables, then began to discuss with each other. They were talking about something with enthusiasm. It seemed that they were doing a school project. In fact they had formed a group to prepare their work. All of them seemed very busy and eager to complete their work. When I was a student I really enjoyed performing our group activities. And now I do believe that working in a team is a useful way of learning things in schools because it helps children to improve their self-confidence, it gives them a sense of responsibility and it makes them social and gregarious. One of the area in which team-work can be advantageous to children is in helping them to increase their self-confidence. According to some experiments which has been carried out on some of the students in one of the schools in San Francisco in order to find out the effect of team-work on children's self-confidence, those students who were working in team to do their activities had been more self-confident. I remember when I was in high- school we formed a group to do a research about chemical elements. I was good at chemistry and I had a lot of opinions to share with my friends but I wasn’t confident enough to speak for my partners. When we sat together to work, one of my partners asked me to give my opinion about our research but I was afraid to talk. I thought if I express my ideas my friends will begin to make fun of me. So I was silent until our teacher came to our table and said to me:"You are the best at chemistry in your group so why are you silent? In a group one should express their own ideas. So be a bit confident in yourself and speak your mind."I begin to talk and shared my opinions with the members of the group. Surprisingly, everyone in

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