The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet

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Recently with the development of high technology, people around the world have become more connected with these tools to achieve their everyday life activities, and an example of this is the World Wide Web or as it is called internet. It is one of these high technologies which could be highly beneficial if it is well-used, or rather, highly inefficient resource if it is used for wasting time and fun only. Internet is recently used by most of the official offices around the world, students for their university degrees, members of a family to contact each other. In the office, Internet is used to save time by sending and receiving contracts via emails or getting acquainted to a company by their website. Students around the world exploit Internet to support them with information about their fields or around a specialization. Families use the internet to contact with an absent member of the family for a long time for its cheap calls. On the other extreme relies the misuse of the Internet where people waste time, have fun, do not access to any useful webpages. With this huge amount of resources on the Internet, it is considered to be an inaccurate to use it only for playing network games, having chats with friends. By doing so, the personality of the user does not advance a head; they lose some of their relations; they get more and more addicted to the internet use. This, in return, might affect future career, families' relations, health and other unmemorable effects in the time of writing this essay. The internet is a double-edge sword which can be used in a healthy way or harmful method. A balance between both is the best approach of using the internet. Otherwise, the advancement of the high technology could be a source of negativity rather than

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