The 14th Amendment Should Change

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The 14th Amendment should be changed to disallow the practice of birthright citizenship. Only babies with mothers that are in the United States as citizens should be allowed to be a U.S. citizen. Many illegal immigrant mothers come into the United States for the sole purpose of having a child in the U.S so that the child is a citizen and they themselves from being deported if they did something that would get them deported. These children are called “anchor babies” to allow for the whole family to stay in the country. This should be changed like other countries have done. When a parent has commit a crime and are facing potential deportation, some people will argue that the children should be able to stay in the country and be citizens because they haven’t done anything wrong, they were merely born and didn’t commit the crime the parents did, they shouldn’t have to pay. That’s how people win court cases to stay in the country, showing the meaning of “anchor babies.” They may have a point, that the children did not do anything and don’t deserve to lose their parents but the children don’t realize that their main reason of being born was so that when that situation would come up, they were the only thing keeping the parents in the country. These children are being used for the “right” to stay in a country they aren’t even citizens in. If you aren’t willing to become a citizen in a country, don’t live in it. There is nothing right about living somewhere you aren’t really a part of. Some people will also argue the side of saying that the living there without citizenship and without the participation in the country that comes with the citizenship doesn’t affect anything. You aren’t participating in the country; you are not helping it in any way shape or form. You do not get to vote for the president, leave the country, or really even fully express yourself because you
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