"That Which We Obtain Too Easily, We Esteem Too l

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Essay writing Topic: we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. Its dearness only gives its original value”. It has been rightly said that “which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. Its dearness only gives its original value”. The things that have been achieved by hard work are always valued. A gift that we get from others is less appreciated than, something you work very hard to obtain. According to human studies it is said that if person works hard to achieve something then he would value it much more than someone who has achieved without any work. For instance a person who has fought for the freedom understands the true value of it whereas a person who is born free does not value, same is the case of human rights. Generally same is the case for people born with silver spoon, they tend to have less exposure to the true world life and many of those cannot face it when it is there turn to care of the family. Persons want of something makes him work hard for it; something that he gets by his own hard work makes his achievement even more special. He becomes very dear for what he has earned and those things stay along with him for a longer time than those who get it just like that. That is just because he would be more careful in handling them and would be more attached to them. For instance if u work hard and buy a car or a property the joy u get cannot be expressed in words , this also motivates him to work further but at the same time remembers his roots. They not only grow but also always would help others to grow along with him who desires to do something in life; as they understand the importance of providing that opportunity as they would have most probably struggled to get. Most of the great people in the world are not celebrated just because they have wealth but because they have worked hard to get to where they are. Though they have wealth
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