Drivers that text while driving are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to hurt themselves or someone else. 1. According to a study teenagers are more suseptible to car crashes and fatal road crashes. 2.One of the surprising statistics about texting while driving is that it is more dangerouse than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. C. Considering the distraction of the driver in texting while driving, this activity keeps the driver involved in texting for around five seconds, which on a highway means a hundred yards.
Unfortunately texting has also become a huge safety concern when it occurs while driving. Multiple cases have confirmed that texting while driving is becoming a rising problem across the nation. News articles show that crashes is happening far too frequently involving both teens and adults. It has reached the point where many states have banned text messaging while operating a vehicle. Why it is that texting is so hazardous?
These days texting while driving is being compared to driving while being drunk. In a recent report conducted by CBS News, crashes caused by drivers using cell phones rose from 636,000 in 2003 to 1.6 million in 2008. As a result, many accidents have taken place in the last ten years due to the use of texting while on the road. Texting while driving is being such a target as the biggest distraction. Unlike talking to someone else in the car, speaking on a cell phone demands much greater continuous attention which takes the drivers eyes off of the road at times and their mind from driving.
To encompass this much needed federally backed ban on cell phone usage. I will give you some interesting statistics regarding traffic fatality rates where cell phones were the culprite to the distraction of the driver. Also I will cover some basic age demographics and statistics. Finally I will cover an alternative to use your cell phone while driving. You can use a hands free device and limit your distractions.
Texting While Driving DeVry University Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. My narrowed topic is about texting while driving. Texting while driving is dangerous not only to us but everyone.
Dangerous Driving Habits The majority of traffic accidents are caused by dangerous driving habits aquired and practiced by drivers. A recently new dangerous habit is the use of a cell phone while driving, but the most dangerous driving habit is driving after consuming alcohol. Another habit that many people tend to have but don’t view as dangerous is listening to music while driving. It’s imperative that drivers understand these issues need to be taken seriously. The statistics continue to rise, but if we would take time to think about the lives being put in danger, perhaps we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be so heavily distracted.
We are all aware that texting and driving is a serious problem these days. It increases the chances of car crashes. So I am for the opinion
Texting While Driving Many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. However, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes their personal rights. Others think that banning someone from using their cell phone is equivalent to telling someone that they can’t adjust their radio or talk to someone else in their car. However, using a cell phone, whether talking or texting, while driving can be extremely dangerous; it should be made illegal because it is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you. It can lead to the death of loved ones, and can be compared to the same level of danger as drunk driving.
Some people are now able to send and receive text messages, and some cell phone users even have access to the internet. Studies show that cell phone use behind the wheel can increase the risk of an accident, but texting while driving requires the driver to take their attention off of
Where then does this leave lawmakers in combating this issue? Textmobiling is a very real issue which endangers our youth and the adults driving in