Texting And Addiction

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How many of you think that you are addicted to your phone? How many of you feel lost when you go without your phone for a day? If you think yes you may not know how serious cell phone addiction actually is. Did you ever notice a typical teenager sends about 50 texts per day according to www.npr.org. Texting can affect your health, social skills, and education performance. Texting addiction can happen to anyone no matter the age. Kids as young as 12 are getting treatment for strain injuries that are caused by text addictions.Some kids ignore the injuries of sore wrists, thumbs, headaches, and shoulder pains. If left untreated for a long period of time, they may develop arthritis in the future according to Sunday Mail The Brisbane. In 2006 a survey by Virgin Mobile found 3.8 million people in Britain complained of injuries from text messaging according to Sydney Morning Herald. Some people tend to go through mood swings if they are without their phone. Others suffer so badly that they lose track of time and forget to eat and sleep warns a leading psychiatrist from a article . fTexting is something that can be used pretty effortlessly. Many people find texting a way to avoid a face to face conversation rather than going through anxiety. They can just type, click, and send. Some people may say things through texting that they wouldn’t in person. For an example: breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. A lot of kids use it as their only means of communication some dont socialize outside of their phones Sleeping late because you decided to stay up texting can have consequences.Texting during a class leads to, on average, a 27% loss of information. Students text for a lot of reasons like being bored in class, trying to stay awake or just trying to reply back to a text. Some teens are becoming seriously sleep
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