Television Is a Horrible Invention

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Television is harmful because of the shows it broadcasts on and they way it is used at home It is hard to avoid television when you are a kid. Some parents buy videos that they think can make their kids smart, but how does watching television really affect children? Watching television correlates poor health, weight gain, and low energy levels, it allows images that could not be appropriate for children and cause abnormal behavior, and also it may prevent kids from gaining any education. Children who watch television diurnal are more likely to be overweight. Children often snack on junk food while watching television which may lead to obesity. They are also influenced by commercials to eat unhealthy foods. Sitting and watching TV they tend to ignore doing any activities such as running, jumping, or any activities to burn calories. Avoiding activities as a child can result in obesity as an adult as well. (5) Kids who view violent acts are more than likely to show aggressive behavior. They may also fear that the world is scary to them. Some may even believe bad things could happen to them by the shows and things they see on the TV. Television characters often depict risky behavior. Television shows and commercials often show violence, alcohol, drug use, and sex. Kids are taught from TV that violence is the way to handle conflicts. Television doesn’t provide any didactic benefits for a child under the age of 2. It takes time away from activities that actually help develop the brain. A child learns a lot more efficiently from the interactions like with people and playing, other than watching television all day long. Watching television causes kids to not want to complete their homework. Children also develop shorter attention spans. Hopefully after reading this paper, you will realize why television isn’t as good for your children as it may seem. Your child

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