Television Has Destroyed Young Children

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TELEVISON HAS DESTROYED YOUNG CHILDREN. As sophisticated lifestyle spearheads its way to our developing century, all thanks to the technological revolution, a television has provide us entertainments, news, and leisure dramatically. It has become a necessity rather than luxury goods in every household. However, questions do arise whether television is a beneficial invention or the opposite, which harm us. Nevertheless, I believe that it brings more negative effects especially to the young children. Firstly, children’s thinking will be afftected if they watch inappropriate television programmes over a long period of time. For example, short segments with interesting presentation in children’s programmes and video clips encourages development of short attention span. Experts say that the first two years of life are considered A critical time for brain development. But, television and other electronic media has got in the way of exploring, playing and interacting with peers, therefore, children are easily become anti social, for them it is not necessary to socialize with their peer as the television has become their new “friend”. Secondly, prolonged periods in front of the television can caused health problems to these young children such as obesity. Nowadays, the habits of indulging on snacks while watching television is common to the young ones. As watching television does not require any movement, it can automatically lead to obesity because what the kids do is only sit back and relax themselves. As they sit in comfortable couch, munching on crispy snacks, they will grow lazier, slumpier and overweight and deprived of personal opinions. Nevertheless, television does provide educational value to our young children. In Malaysia, many children's shows have a great deal of educational value. In Malaysia, satellite based television such as Astro offer tv channel
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