Television And The Influence On Children

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Television and How It Influences Children Adults do not pay too much attention to the influence television has since adults are older. Unfortunately, children on the other hand get absorbed by what they see on television. Children are influenced several ways by being placed in front of a television for hours on end. When a child is exposed to violence, sexual content and reality shows it can cause major damage that will have a long term affect. Some of the long term affects could be health issues, and having trouble sleeping. Parents today have busy schedules so some times it is easier to sit a child in front of the television as babysitter; it allows parents to complete tasks or just take a break. A parent must pay more attention to what their child is watching nowadays so the child will not be influenced by what she watches on television. Since violence is at an all time high on television parents need to protect their children from it. The issue of violence on television raises questions about censorship and government imposed restrictions on the media. Some programs promote violence and murder, and since the bad guy never has consequences it teaches children that it is acceptable to commit these acts. Since most of these acts go unpunished children do not see that it is wrong to do these acts. According to the AAP, "Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed." (Media violence) National Center for Children Exposed to Violence states “Television alone is responsible for 10% of youth violence.” (Violence in the media) Parents need to talk to their children about what they see on television, and point out that even though the actor/actress have not actually been hurt or killed such acts of violence in real life can cause pain and

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