Television and Our Kids

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As the satellites are expanding, so are the cable channels and television programmes. This development will certainly effect our society in different ways, one of them being through our children. Television has become a part of the environment in which our children are brought up, which means that it has the power to influence their the growth and development. While this kind of power can affect our children negatively it can also affect them positively. Educational television has the power of influencing children positively. Educational television programmes are a great way to spark learning ability at a young age as they use different activities, that children usually find enjoyable, in order to teach new things. For instance, there is a programme called Dora the Explorer which uses activities such as playing games, singing songs and telling stories. Television programmes with an educational propose can help increase a child’s knowledge about important topics such as proper nutrition, exercise and global warming. Not only will this type of knowledge befit the child on a personal and educational level, it will also benefit society as a whole since more individuals will become environment- and health-conscious. Characters of television programmes have a great power of influencing children. When children take a liking to one certain character they tend to look up them as role models and micmic their actions. This can of course have a negative results but if the television programme has an educational purpose the characters are more likely to have an positive influence on children and inspire them to make positive choices. Lastly, it is good to remember that everything should be kept in moderation. Even though educational television can have positive influence on children, it does not mean that they should watch television for hours every
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