Television: A Distortion Of Reality

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Television: A Distortion of Reality Television has become a false reality for millions of Americans and the majority of the global society. “The use of television to promote primarily materialistic values has become a severe, although largely unacknowledged, mental health and public health problem for the United States and the world” (Elgin 105). Duane Elgin speaks about the impact of television on the youth of our nation and how it is “being used to promote mindless consumerism around the planet” (Elgin 104). The negative effects of television are clear, and the reality is that this communication device is changing the important values of the global youth. The lucid shift in values has been from developing a meaningful philosophy in life to being well-off financially. Being an avid viewer of television, I have realized that the majority of the time is spent watching commercials and various advertisements for materialistic products. “In the course of a year, the average American will view approximately twenty-five thousand commercials” (Elgin 104). These commercials are not simply advertising products, but promoting attitudes, values, and lifestyles that are associated with them. “The unrelenting consumerist bias of television distorts our view of reality and social priorities, leaving us entertainment rich and knowledge poor” (Elgin 104). These commercials leave the viewer with a distorted perception of reality; leading one to believe that overconsumption of personal goods is the norm in society. This belief of continuous spending is the flawed outlook on life, but is actually becoming the norm because society is not given another option. “By excluding visions of more sustainable ways of living and consuming, the mass media perpetuate the status quo while simultaneously crippling society’s capacity for envisioning more promising alternatives”

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