It is a very dangerous way of drinking that can lead to serious problems and even death. v) In 2010 the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 26% of youth aged 12 to 20 years drink alcohol and 17% reported binge drinking. vi) In 2011, the Monitoring the Future Survey reported that 33% of 8th graders and 70% of 12th graders had tried alcohol, and 13% of 8th graders and 40% of 12th graders drank during the past month. vii) In general, the risk of youth experiencing these problems is greater for those who binge drink than for those who do not binge drink. 3) It is true that alcohol has a number of reactions on people who consume it, but again the effects of alcohol are completely different when it comes to the gender.
The school, featured in a recent edition of YM magazine, is filled with students who are admitted addicts. Each has a disturbing story to tell. One is 15-year-old Caitlin, who says that she is marking off just under seven months of sobriety. "I started drinking and smoking weed when I was 11 years old," Caitlin said.
Adults may also argue that drinking may cause kids to get in fights and cause trouble. After the drinking age went up, the percentage went from 12% to 17%. All these things are caused from irresponsible drinking. Irresponsible drinking is due to teens drinking without adult
Plans to Eliminate College Binge Drinking Nearly half of today’s college student population is stumbling through the college years due to binge drinking. Binge drinking on college campuses isn’t just an issue of public health, but it’s one of self-interest. Failure to act in the face of foreseeable harm places schools at risk for damaging their academic reputations and liability lawsuits in millions of dollars. Also, students experience a wide variety of alcohol related problems including hangovers, blackouts, and engaging in unplanned sexual activity. According to Lini Kadaba’s article, Colleges Hitting the Bottle Binge Drinking Remains High, but Initiatives at Area Schools Raising Awareness, “College binge drinking is remaining in colleges due to the intractable problems that contribute to 1,700 student deaths, 599,000 injuries, and 97,000 cases of sexual assault, or date rapes.” (24).
These are just a few of the problems that happen today to our teens. When young teens drink alcohol, they are more likely to abuse it more than people above the legal age; this is demonstrating that teens are more prone to alcohol abuse and should not be allowed to consume alcohol. Allowing teens to drink alcohol give them a higher chance of academic failure, and will negatively affect the
Under Age Drinking Alcohol is the drug of choice to many teenagers and they are experiencing the consequences of drinking to much at an early age. As a result, underage drinking is the leading public health problem in this country. Each year approximately five-thousand people under the age of twenty-one die as a result of underage drinking, yet drinking continues to be widespread among adolescents nationwide. There should be a mandatory class that children take in school about the effects of alcohol and other addicting substances. As children move from adolescents to young adulthood they encounter dramatic physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes.The younger that children and adolescents are when they start to drink alcohol are more likely to engage in behaviors that can harm themselves and others.
Underlying Issues: Many college students consume so much liquor in their systems that they have to be hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. But with tighter enforcement of the minimum drinking age of 21 is not the solution to the issue. It is mainly part of the problem. The drinking age is pressuring students
It can affect one’s personality, their attitude towards things and towards schoolwork. Students who binge are most likely to miss class. Because of missing class, it results in a decline in their grade. Students who do this even once a month will increase the amount of times they miss class. Students who go to parties and do not drink a lot or students who do drink a lot will eventually enjoy getting drunk at one point.
Name: Brandon Adrien Teen Driving Issues Project Topic: Drunk Driving |Section Heading |Information | |Why is this a problem, |This is truly a great problem because according to the DMV, being intoxicated while driving is a common cause | |especially for teen |of very serious crashes, especially those that are fatal, involving teenage drivers. | |drivers? | | |Statistics from |More than 10,000 people die by drunk driving and hundreds of thousands have been injured. | |research regarding teen|Every year, about 708,000 people get injured in crashes related to alcohol. | |crash rates.
These problems include: Individuals are considered adults at eighteen and should be treated like adults; there is a high rate of alcoholism and abuse among eighteen-twenty year olds; and in other countries around the world the drinking age is eighteen. The fact is there is always going to be underage drinking. If they changed the laws it would cause young adults to become more mature with alcohol and not abuse it as much, like most other countries. I believe if they changed this law it would benefit our young adults in many