Teen Stress Depression and Suicide

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Stress, Depression, and Suicide all have a connection to all of our lives. Sometimes they affect different people in many different ways. Sometimes people never even notice that they are starting to develop any of these serious conditions. There are many different ways to recognize these conditions. In this paper I will explain to you what the condition is, what some of the symptoms are, how they may affect people, and how to treat it. Stress is a specific response by the body to stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the fear of pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism. Some causes of stress can be drugs, alcohol, family problems, Friend problems, or physical appearance. Stress is caused by different things depending on age too; some causes of adult stress can be the health and welfare of ones family, work, or the cost of living. One result of stress can be the “Fight or Flight” response. The Fight or Flight response is when your body goes under immediate stress and you get an adrenaline (energy) rush. Some ways that people reduce stress are to do their favorite physical activity like dance or run, but some people prefer a more relaxing activity such as painting, drawing, or listening to music. There are two different kinds of stress, Eustress and Distress. Eustress is the stress that is deemed healthful where as distress is the stress that has to do with a great deal of pain, anxiety, and or sorrow. Some examples of different symptoms of stress can be anything from drinking problems to becoming extremely antisocial. If stress goes untreated for too long it can eventually lead to mild or severe depression or maybe even suicide. Depression is a condition of general dejection and withdrawal; sadness is greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. Some of the
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