Technology Made Us Lazy

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When thinking about the uncountable advances in technology, it is clear that over time we have relied more and more on technology. I often ponder that if technology were to suddenly stop, would realize that it has made us lazier than we think? From the experiments and studies done on today’s technologies, it is clear that yes, technology has made us lazy. According to the Vermont Forward News, “In today’s society technology has become a life necessity. Let’s face it, technology has made our lives easier. However some people would see this as making lives lazy, (Smith 1). There has been research done to prove peoples’ laziness due to technology. Researchers have found laziness in library settings, in modern teaching styles, in students’ work ethic, in professional work places, and in peoples’ homes. It has also brought up the fact that it may not just be making peoples’ actions lazy, but that it could be making their brains lazy as well. With all of the research presented, it is quite clear that today’s technology has made people become lazy. If it weren’t for the excessive amounts of advances made everyday, we may not have this ongoing problem. It has been said that today, with all of the new, updated technology that we have, people have been found being lazy in library settings. According to Marcella Jenkins, “As a reference librarian in a public library, I see on a daily basis the results of exclusive reliance on the Internet for information: impatience, laziness and a frightening absence of context,” (Jenkins 1). It is seen by librarians on a daily basis that people more and more are starting to rely completely on the computers for their research. Although they are in a library full of books with loads of information in them, people often chose not to get up from their seats and just type in what they need to know on Google. They would rather stay at their
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