Technology Has Made World a Better Place To Live

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Topic: Technology has made the world a better place to live. Technology has played a very significant role in our daily lives today. Almost all aspects of humans’ lives use technology; therefore, it has become an important part of our lives. However, some people say that technology bring them nothing but troubles in decreasing their lives’ quality, many others believe that the undeniable advantages of technology outweigh the negative points and I also agree that technology have made the world a better place to live due to three main reasons. First of all, technology has made life more convenient and easier. In working places, technology has made workers’ jobs easier to be done. Almost every job has been controlled by computer. Computer, an example of technological advancement, helps those people do their job effectively and efficiently. Moreover, in the past, the mail was the main way to communicate between people, and was very slow and time-consuming. However, nowadays the telephone has taken the place of the mail. With a telephone, people can call or write a message to each other at anytime and anywhere, just in a few second. These convenient things are used through only a small device that is able to bring along with. Therefore, technology helps us make things easy to do and use, and our lives be much easier to live. The second reason is that the development of technology in medical field has allowed human to live longer with healthier lives. With the help of technology in medical research, many serious diseases have been put to the end, and many vaccines for preventing lethal diseases and helpful medical devices have been found as well. For example, people who suffer from diabetes - a common disease in which the body cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood – now have a blood glucose controlling device. This device can help to monitor on their
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